Luong Van Can Fund organized a training program on Sex Education: Easy to joke about – Hard to talk about
To provide students with foundational knowledge about reproductive health and the psychology of sexual behavior, as well as to help them develop smart and safe decision-making skills regarding gender and sexual issues, Luong Van Can Fund collaborated with experts to organize an online training program about sex education via the Zoom platform. The program consisted of three topics with four different sessions:
- Reproductive health for male students (1 session)
- Reproductive health for female students (2 sessions)
- A general session on gender and sexual diversity for all students (1 session)
In this year, the training was conducted by health and psychology experts/ specialists:
- Medical Doctor. Ha Thanh Dat: Medical Master’s degree with a major in Morphology from the University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City. Currently he serves as a lecturer in the Anatomy Department at Pham Ngoc Thach University of Medicine and as the Secretary of Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union at Pham Ngoc Thach University of Medicine. He is also the Vice Chairman of Ho Chi Minh Young Physician Association (HYPA). Under Dr. Ha Thanh Dat’s guidance, participants acquired more knowledge about male reproductive organs and laerned ways to maintain health and ensure the quality of their lives.
- Ms. Tieu Thao Ngan: Master’s degree in Psychology from Ho Chi Minh University of Education. Currently, she works at the Health Department of Ho Chi Minh City University of Foreign Languages – Information Technology. She has previously serve as the Youth Union Secretary of the Ho Chi Minh Center for Disease Control (HCDC) and as a provincial lecturer on reproductive health topics. Following the sharing session, female students gained knowledge about female reproductive organs, healthcare practices, sexually transmitted diseases, and contraceptive methods.
- Mr. Nguyen Duc Tai: Bachelor’s degree in Psychology with a specialization in Counseling and Therapy from VNUHCM – University of Social Sciences and Humanities. Currently pursuing postgraduate studies in Education at VNUHCM – University of Social Sciences and Humanities,he works as a counselor Counselor at the Counseling Room – Deaneries of Saigon Archdiocese and at the Center for Mental Health Research and Support at VNUHCM – University of Social Sciences and Humanities. Through Mr. Nguyen Duc Tai’s presentations, students learned about gender and sexual orientation diversity. Additionally, he provided information on factors influencing decisions regarding sexual behavior and introduced measures to establish healthy relationships.
Through professional sessions, students could listen, discuss, and have their questions answered directly by experts. The training program received positive responses from the students due to the enthusiastic exchange between the speakers and the students during the question and answer section at the end of the sharing sessions.
The training was meaningful, raising students’ awareness of reproductive health and psychology related to sexual behavior. It was also one of the critical activities of the Luong Van Can Fund aimed at supporting students’ comprehensive development, both physically and mentally.
Luong Van Can Fund appreciates the support of the speakers during the implementation of this training program for students. In the future, the speakers and the Fund will have the opportunity to jointly organize more efficient training programs, helping students lead healthy and safe lives.
Source: LVCF Media Team