Besides financial aid for students, Luong Van Can Fund has a desire to train and support the young to develop their personality, skills and knowledge in order to improve themselves and enable them to devotedly contribute to society and community. This resulted in the establishment of “Community Project”.
The program aims to provide students the opportunities to work in a group, plan, organise and conduct a project; have an insight into the community which is in utter need of support, as well as unsolved social problems in Vietnam; spread the devoting spirit for community’s sake. In addition, Luong Van Can Fund does aim to strengthen the relationship between mentors and mentees as well as the student network.
The “Community Project” has no restrictions on fields, as long as it unfailingly comply with laws and Vietnam’s conventional customs and culture. Every project must be self-funded. A project could aim at any community to serve and support. Despite that freedom, every single project is still thoroughly scrutinized by Luong Van Can Fund to ensure practicality in order that it can bring positive changes to the community.